Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving & Reminders

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have enjoyed a relaxing weekend with family and friends! I cooked a turkey yesterday and had a big family gathering. It was lovely!

This is an exciting week for us at school! On Thursday, we have a live owl coming to our class. This will be an amazing way to wrap up our unit on Owls!


I have a few reminders for you this week:
  1. School Photos are on Thursday 
  2. Parent/Teacher Interview times were sent home on Friday. 
  3. Be sure to bring your planner in tomorrow for this week's spelling Word Work words.
Enjoy your evening! 

See you tomorrow,
Mrs. Croghan

Sunday, October 02, 2016

The Week of October 3-7th, 2016

Happy Sunday! I hope you have enjoyed the weekend! October is here and with it, lots of exciting days ahead! I love Fall, Thanksgiving and Halloween! It promises to be fun-filled month!

We are starting a brand new READING PROGRAM this week! Hooray! I am really pumped about it! Please watch for a notice coming home tomorrow that explains how it works.


-New Word Work words are coming home, be sure to do the sort with your child tonight.
-First Scholastic Book order is coming home tonight, it is due on Friday.
-New home Reading Program is coming home tonight.

-Practice your word sort for 10 minutes and read for at least 20 minutes (be sure to have your parent/guardian) initial your planner.

-Practice your word sort for 10 minutes and read for at least 20 minutes (be sure to have your parent/guardian) initial your planner.

-Practice your word sort for 10 minutes and read for at least 20 minutes (be sure to have your parent/guardian) initial your planner.

- Scholastic Book Order is due today at 8:45am (Mrs. Croghan will place the order at Noon)
-Library Books are due today
-Spelling "Quiz" is today

Help Wanted
Our new librarian is looking for a volunteer to help in the library on Fridays. If you are interested in helping out, please leave me a note in your child's planner.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Week of September 26-30th

Sunday evening already! I hope you enjoyed a fun-filled weekend!

What a great week! We had fun working on our word work and building routines! This week your child will receive more words to practice each night. We have a short week ahead with Thursday and Friday dedicated to teacher professional learning. So we won't be having the word work "quiz" on Friday. We will have it on the following Monday instead.


This week we have two major events coming up! We have the Terry Fox Run and the Open House.

The run is Monday (tomorrow) from 1:00pm-1:30pm. Please send in a loonie if possible. Thank you! Be sure to dress for the weather and to wear your runners.

The Open House is Wednesday after school between 3:00pm-4:15pm. I hope you can join us. I would love to meet you!

Enjoy your Sunday evening!
Mrs. Croghan

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hello and welcome to our classroom blog! 

Each Sunday evening, I will write a post about our upcoming week.

Our first full week together was busy and exciting. We have been working on building routines and getting used to being back to school. We have also been working on getting to know one another!

Word Work Information
This week, we will be starting our weekly "Word Work"

Each Monday, you will receive a print out of the words your child will be working on in class. They will come in the front pocket of their planner and they will be written in their planner as well.

Thank you for your support with this! Together we will build successful readers, writers and spellers!

***Please note***
It may take a couple of weeks to figure out what words your child needs to be successful and to address their individual learning needs. I will be working on choosing words that meet the needs of each student but it takes time to set up the program. Thank you for your understanding. 

Daily Physical Activity
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, we will be practicing cross country and running around our school field. Please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing/shoes. Thank you! We also have gym time Tuesday-Friday.

Library is every Friday, please remember to bring your books back for exchange each Friday. 

Thank you for putting your child's name on monies handed in. It helps me to know who has dropped the money on my desk. 

Please be sure to send in the Student Information forms as soon as possible, if you haven't already.

And just a gentle reminder that we are a peanut free school.

I promised the class I would share a photo of Penney "The Princess" Puddy and of Rolley "The Rocket" Dog.

Have a great night!
Mrs. Croghan